Sunday, August 26, 2012

Blogging the Republican National Convention (RNC)

Unless you're a political blogger, blogging about the upcoming Republican National Convention seems sort of challenging.

I don't know if I have any plans to blog about it myself, but I have been peculating some ideas.

Here's some ideas for bloggers (political and unpolitical alike):
  • If you were making a biopic, which RNC speaker has a life story that is most "film worthy"
  • Weather with Hurricane Isaac is playing a role in itself. You could opine on how you think weather influences the conventions "story"
  • One Liners: It seems like the rhetoric of these speeches often relies on powerful "one liners" pick a sentence that someone uses and talk about why it is powerful? Overstated? Meaningful? Meaningless?  Used out of context? etc.
  • Look at what topics appear to be most discussed and relevant to the convention and ask "why" these are the topics discussed and whether that's relevant?

Monday, April 30, 2012

Silence & Blog About Bloggin

This blog has been silent for awhile, because honestly, it started as an experiment to see if there was an audience for people searching the net for relevant blog ideas.

To be honest, it seemed that either the interest wasn't there OR this blog wasn't really discovered. So I slowed down. Then I stopped.

That said, I occasionally still consider starting it back up again.

With that train of thought, here are some ideas to blog about blogging:

  • When do you feel most inspired to blog?
  • What are some blogs you started at one time but stopped writing?
  • What encourages you to blog more? What discourages you to blog less?
  • Where do most of your blog ideas come from?
  • What influence (if any) do your "unknown" blog readers have on the frequency of your blogging?